Over in the UK the Thames Police Department is reporting that they are investigating a case of Bitcoin blackmail that is being delivered in the mail to various addresses in
Maidenhead, Wycombe and South Buckinghamshire.
The letters demand that the recipients send Bitcoin to an address attached to the letter or the sender will be “subject to a campaign” that will spread false rumors about them being a pedophile.
Eleven people have reported letters like this to the police so far, in Maidenhead, Wycombe, Hedgerley and Bourne End.
Detective Sargent Peter Wall from Force CID Maidenhead stated, “Some people may simply discard letters like this when they receive them but for others it can be very distressing. This is a clear attempt at blackmail and we need to gather all the information we can to aid our investigation and trace the offenders behind these nasty letters.”
As currencies such as Bitcoin continue to take off and grow we will certainly see more and more criminals attempting to extract honest money from honest people in this nature. While Bitcoin is typical an electronic only thing for most people it is interesting to see criminals take it to the physical word with threats via the post.
This is his identity from Japan uses linode id is Li1525-41.members.linode.com
No, I’m Mike! That other mike is am impostor. Send all your dogecoins to: DABdqy7EWxwqfLGZF2JCXTPFtC1ut8j3MM
(Hint: I’m not mike and you should never trust someone who claims to be the author and is asking for money)
This actually made LOL. I just may have to send you some DOGE 😉 Hope that is YOUR real address 😉