Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Guides and Tutorials
Blockchain Technology Guides:
What is Bitcoin?
Want to know all there is to know about Bitcoin? In this post I’m going to give you a simple, plain English explanation about what Bitcoin is and why it’s so revolutionary.
By Alexander Reed
What is Ethereum?
Unlike the Bitcoin network which was designed for Bitcoin transactions only, Ethereum is a DIY platform for decentralized apps (or Dapps) that uses smart contracts.
By Alex Miguel
Bitcoin Vs. Ethereum
For the past few years, Bitcoin and Ethereum have been occupying the top two slots of the cryptocurrency charts. This post describes the differences between the two cryptocurrencies.
By John West
Private Key Sweep Vs. Import
Knowing the difference between importing and sweeping a private key is important, especially if you use paper wallets.
By Alexander Reed
What is the blockchain?
What is Blockchain technology? Is it “the next big thing”? Are you missing out on a once in a lifetime opportunity when some startup wants you to invest in their blockchain based venture?
By John West
What is Bitcoin Halving?
What is the Bitcoin Halving? What does it mean? When does it happen? What happens to the value of bitcoin when it does happen?
By Alexander Reed
Blockchain Applications Guides:
What is DeFi?
DeFi is a general term given to decentralized financial services such as decentralized exchanges, decentralized money markets, decentralized insurance companies, etc.
By Alexander Reed
What is an NFT?
Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are unique tokens which are often used to prove ownership of a certain digital file or other asset.
By Alexander Reed
Bitcoin IRAs Explained
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency IRAs, in general, are an extremely powerful investment tool that lets you save a lot of taxes from your cryptocurrency trading and investment operations.
By Alexander Reed
Buying and Using Bitcoin Anonymously / Without ID
Looking to buy Bitcoin anonymously? Hate providing your photo ID to different Bitcoin exchanges?
By Alexander Reed
How to Sell Bitcoins
People who want to sell their Bitcoins for fiat currency (i.e. dollars, euros, etc.) have several ways they can do so online and offline.
By Alexander Reed
The Complete Guide to Bitcoin Fees
This guide will explain the basics of Bitcoin fees from how they are calculated to what you can do in case you didn’t pay a big enough fee.
By Alexander Reed
How to Short Bitcoin
Short-selling is an investment method that allows you to benefit from drops in price of a particular asset.
By John West
How to earn interest on you crypto holdings
If you’re holding crypto as a long-term investment, you may have thought about using it to generate a return.
By Alexander Reed
Unstoppable Domains Tutorial
Unstoppable Domains is a platform that sells blockchain-based NFT domain names, which can be used as human-readable wallet addresses, NFT galleries, and/or hosting decentralized websites.
By Alex Miguel

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