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Pepe Unchained is the Top Meme Coin to Watch this Week

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Pepe’s meteoric rise to a $5B market cap has been nothing short of astounding.

It is largely unmatched in virality this year. The interesting thing is, $PEPE is not a dog-themed coin. It is the only frog among the pack of dogs. Yet, it has been a viral phenomenon.

But Pepe has little to offer to new investors. It is saturated from their point of view. So they are jumping ship to Pepe Unchained this month.

What is Pepe Unchained?

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) is the latest talk of the meme coin town. 

Is it a new version of Pepe? Is it an upgrade to Pepe? Investors are eager about the new project and what it has to offer.

So here is a detailed analysis of Pepe Unchained. 

Pepe Unchained is a new meme coin that uses the Pepe label to draw mass attention. The brilliant strategy has worked, as the social media momentum of the project shows. The community strength of the project is growing.

Pepe Unchained has a strong storyline that makes it super interesting. 

PEPU theme

“Pepe was a prisoner, chained to his old, clunky Layer ONE server room. Not for long.  With a stroke of Giga Brain genius, Pepe devised a plan to break free from his chains and embrace the future with PEPE Unchained.”

So what exactly is Pepe Unchained?

To put it briefly, Pepe Unchained is a layer-2 chain specifically for meme coins—a first of its kind. It is on a mission to transform the meme coin trading experience, aiming for fast and seamless transactions. The token reduces transaction costs and minimises delays, creating a more fertile environment for investors.

While Pepe faces technical hurdles on Ethereum, Pepe Unchained solves them. That makes it a much superior alternative to the saturated Pepe. Unlike Pepe, it won’t face network congestion and high gas fees to a good extent.

The successful presale indicates confidence in the new platform.

It is conducive to swift market shifts and enables instant bridging, processing transactions a hundred times quicker than Ethereum. Moreover, it accommodates higher volumes. 

With a Playful Theme, $PEPU Breaks New Ground

While Pepe has been all the rage earlier this year, new projects like Pepe Unchained have the spotlight now. Both casual and strategic investors are finding haven in it amid the lacklustre performance of assets like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. 

Pepe Unchained could give “double the staking rewards, double the Pepe, and 100X the excitement.”

Many overlook meme coins as mere hypes. But they are backed by a powerful force—their vibrant communities. Legendary meme coins have thrived due to the unwavering support of long-term investors.

What has Pepe Unchained done to nurture a community of long-term investors?

To begin with, it has an attractive staking system in place. Second, the robust tokenomics and a clear roadmap inspire confidence among investors. The optimism surrounding the dedicated layer 2 is growing. 

PEPU roadmap

Through staking, investors can earn attractive rewards from the project over time. It helps the project get a strong foothold in the market, while the investors get attractive passive income. 

These aspects build a strong foundation for the project right from the beginning. 

Can $PEPU Surpass $PEPE?

What do we mean by surpass here?

If market cap is the criterion, it will be a long shot. It’s unlikely that Pepe Unchained will outstrip the original Pepe in terms of market cap, even if it has stronger technical competence. 

The utility project brilliantly unlocks Pepe’s existing frenzy with an interesting storyline. The utility and virality aspects of the project make it a promising choice.  It can offer short-term gains and maintain long-term growth.

PEPU tokenomics

But when it comes to annual returns, the predictions favor $PEPU. $PEPU could very well be the next big crypto of 2024. 

Due to its low initial market cap, $PEPU has a large room for returns. The ongoing presale, in particular, offers possibly the most profitable entry into the investment.

For more details about the presale and how you can join it before it’s too late, visit the Pepe Unchained website

Olaleye is a professional reporter with vast experience in web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFT journalism. He enjoys writing about the evolving metaverse sphere and the prevalence in the crypto sphere. Notably, some of his contents have been published in numerous international publications. Away from the crypto world, Olaleye is a political scientist and a lover of football.

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