Project FEED has partnered up with Bitcoin Not Bombs and Mass Appeal Inc. to keep the San Francisco homeless people a little more comfortable this winter. They are trying to gather funds to buy more than 300 hoodies with a Bitcoin-related message to distribute to the less fortunate before winter begins.
The project has been distributing food once a month in the Tenderloin area, in San Francisco, since 2009. The humble idea that started with a small group of friends is now a major charity operation. However, they have suffered legal complications in the past because they tried to gather donations without having a proper status that allowed public fundraising. So now Project FEED is a cash only operation… and also a Bitcoin supporter.
Along the way, the members of FEED realized that, besides food, people needed warm clothes. And that is how the project Hood The Homeless was born: “it’s not about using the homeless to make propaganda to Bitcoin. Instead, these discontinued hoodies provide a cheaper chance of helping this people”, explained David Barker, from the platform Bitcoin Not Bombs.
You can read more about the project below in the original words of the creators of the project:
The good folks at Mass Appeal Inc, the world’s first screen printer to accept Bitcoin, have made us a superb offer on 324 discontinued orange hoodies that they have in stock now, but it’s an all or nothing sort of deal. So, we’re going to keep 324 people warm this winter, and do a little guerrilla marketing for Bitcoin in a demographic that could really benefit from a little counter economics.
We’re calling on the Bitcoin community to help us, because this is a Bitcoin only project. We will do all the fundraising in Bitcoin, and we will purchase the hoodies with Bitcoin thanks to Mass Appeal Inc. No war dollars will change hands in the execution of this project, proving that we don’t need the Fed, we don’t need Paypal, and we don’t need permission.
The project Hood The Homeless is trying to gather the support of the crypto-community through BitcoinStarter. You can check the fundraising page here.
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