The King’s College, a liberal arts college based in New York City, along with its student-organized Programming Club, has partnered with Coin Apex, the NYC-based tech startup incubator, to host a roundtable event addressing the complexity of the digital currency ecosystem.
The event will bring together some of the most involved experts of different areas of the Bitcoin sector for a public discussion and Q&A session. The participants will include Alex Waters, tech entrepreneur, and investor; Ryan Straus, digital payments attorney at Riddel Williams and co-chair of the Payments Practice Group; and Robert Adler, former Wall Street executive now building a Bitcoin hedge fund in NYC; and moderated by Bailey Reutzel, payment tech reporter who focuses heavily on the fast-evolving cryptocurrency ecosystem.
“With the NYDFS crafting what could potentially become the global precedent for government policy on digital currency, we decided that now was the time to bring together those individuals who really understand all facets of the debate,” says Jordan Frankfurt, Founder of the Programming Club at TKC. “Bitcoin, and digital currencies in general, affects almost every major at the college in some way. It is my hope that this event will help all in attendance better understand the future of digital currency in the U.S.”
The discussion gives TKC’s students, whose studies are focused on business, finance, politics, economics and media, a more complete picture of Bitcoin’s ecosystem and showcases its enormous impact and challenges in each of these areas.
“As a forward-thinking educational institution, The King’s College is already familiar with Bitcoin—proven through their announcement of accepting Bitcoin as payment for tuition earlier this year,” says Sarah Tyre, Communication and Marketing Director for Coin Apex. “A growing amount of organizations are recognizing the significance of this powerful technology and are providing the momentum needed to fuel interest in events which aim to heighten awareness and understanding of cryptocurrency, such as The Digital Currency Roundtable.”
The event will be held on November 19th from 4:30-6:00pm in the City Room on The King’s College campus, at 56 Broadway in lower Manhattan. More details and information about the event can be found at