So lately I’ve come across BitMit which is a marketplace based only on Bitcoins. This allowed me to make some interesting discoveries about what people sell and buy with Bitcoins. So without further ado, here are the top 7 most bizzare things people bought with Bitcoin to date.
#7 – A goat
Apparently about 6 months ago someone decided to sell his goat on BitMit. And the nice thing about it is that it’s condition is “new”.
#6 – A Porsche
A family from Austin sold their Porsche for 300 Bitcoins on April 2013.
#5 – A convenience store owner ship
Ever wanted to own a convenience store ? There is currently one for sale at Greenville, NC. for a bargain of 2348 BTC.
#4 – A sperm count
Apparently a doctor from Fertility Care Orange County agreed to receive Bitcoins in exchange for conducting a fertility test.
#3 – A webcam show
“Sarah Sparkles” which can be found on Twitter @Sarah84Sparkles is offering her show in exchange for Bitcons.
#2 – A gold mine
Hey….the initial testing looks positive, and they do worldwide deliveries…
#1 – A male striptease show
This handsome young fellow can be found on Strip4Bit, which is basically a website that people accept Bitcoin as payment for taking their clothes off.