The platform Simply Travel is now accepting Bitcoin. In other words, this means the Bitcoiners out there now have the possibility of choosing one of 300,000 hotels all over the world and pay for it with cryptocurrency.
Since this is still fresh news, the platform is running their new Bitcoin payment program in beta. Simply Travel’s CEO, Gregor Amon, says “there will be lots of improvements over the coming weeks, with conversion for additional currencies, added suppliers, stability, etc… However, we are ready to accept Bitcoin for hotel reservations in over 300,000 hotels”.
The first users of the service were the North-American couple Austin and Beccy, who started a curious project after getting married, in July: they decided to live for 90 days only using Bitcoins. And now, almost two months after the beginning of their adventure, they convinced Simply Travel’s team to accept cryptocurrency, so they could reserve an hotel and buy airplane tickets to Atlanta, to attend the Crypto-Currency Conference, which is happening on October 5th.
“We can personally attest that when booking the upcoming Atlanta, Georgia trip, we enjoyed a very professional and smooth experience”, the couple wrote on their official website.