
7 Awesome ASIC Bitcoin Miners

By Alexander Reed

Last Updated: Jan 2, 2018

General bitcoin

ASIC miners are the closest you will ever be to a money machine! These beasts of power and efficiency are the most popular type of mining device right now and their popularity and demand remain as high as in the day they showed up.

Once we arrived to the Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) era, we knew we couldn’t go back. No, we didn’t want to go back! It doesn’t get any better than with ASIC chips, the technology specially designed to mine Bitcoins.

It’s rumored that one of these miners was recently sold for $20,000 USD on Ebay. True? We don’t know. Ot might be just gossip, but the real truth is that ASIC miners are the icing on the cake. Today, ASIC means business and profit and we are here to show you some of the best miners out there.

1. Butterfly Lab’s BitForce 500 GH/s mining rig

With an amazing 500 gigahashes per second of efficiency, this ASIC mining rig from Butterfly Labs was first seen working in June.

2. Bitforce SC 60 Bitcoin miner

Bitforce SC 60 bitcoin miner mod

The new Single Bitforce SC (Super Computer) can produce 60 gigahashes per second, consuming around 270W while running at the top of its speed.

3. The Avalon V1

The Avalon V1 mod

This modular system with ASIC processors was the first ASIC Bitcoin mining hardware being shipped by BitSynCom LCC. The Avalon V1 motherboard has four hashing units, which would account for approximately 89 gigahashes per second.

4.  5 GH/s ASIC Bitcoin mining hardware

5 GHs ASIC bitcoin mining hardware mod

This ASIC mining rig created by Butterfly Labs took a while to be delivered, but once it finally arrived it proved to be a good investment. This developer unit can achieve 5 gigahashes per second.

5. Fast-Hash-One 256 GH/s Module

Fast-Hash-One 256 GHs Module mod

This mining rig, developed by Active Mining Corporation, will be one of the fastest horses in the race with 256 gigahashes per second. The manufacturer calls it the “World’s Fastest Bitcoin Minnig Chip”.

6. KnCMiner

The creators of this KnCMiner are going with a promising a 28 nm ASIC design in this mining rig, called project Jupiter. The machine can go up to 400 gigahashes per second.

7. ASICMiner USB Block Erupter


This ASIC miner might not be powerful like its “brothers”, but it has something the others don’t: it’s portable. Check our infographic about this mining device.

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Alexander Reed
Alexander Reed

Having delved into futures trading in the past, my intrigue in financial, economic, and political affairs eventually led me to a striking realization: the current debt-based fiat system is fundamentally flawed. This revelation prompted me to explore alternative avenues, including... Read More

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