After the success of the Bitcoin Price Ticker Widget I got a lot of people requesting a Litecoin price ticker to install on their blog. So here it is before you. The new Litecoin Price Ticker Widget ver 1.0.0 in form of a WordPress plugin.
What does the plugin do ?
The Litecoin ticker WordPress Plugin allows you to add a widget to your WordPress blog that shows you a ticker of the latest Litecoin prices. Currently the widget displays values only from BTC-E. In future version we will get values from Vircurex as well.
What features does the Litecoin Ticker WordPress Widget (plugin) have ?
- Shows you the latest Litecoin prices on the selected exchange (currently only BTC-E).
- DIsplays a graph of the Litcoin prices in the last 24 hours.
- Displays bid, ask, low, high and volume values of selected exchange (currently only BTC-E).
How to install the Litecoin Ticker WordPress Widget (plugin) on your site
- Click here to download the latest version of the plugin directly from
- Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins -> Add New
- Select “Upload” for the top tab.
- Select “choose file” and select the Zip file of the plugin you downloaded.
- Once the plugin is installed select “Activate plugin”.
- Go to Appearance -> Widgets
- Drag the widget named “Litecoin Widget” to your side bar.
How to use the Litecoin Ticker WordPress Widget (plugin)
You basically don’t have to do anything to use the Widget. Each time you load the page the Widget will automatically fetch the values for the different exchanges. All you need to do is select the Bitcoin exchange that you want to view. It’s important to remember that the ticker’s graph takes time to populate the data. So give it about 2-3 hours to start seeing a more detailed graph.
How to Uninstall/Deactivate the plugin
- Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins -> Installed plugins
- Find the “Bitcoin Widget” plugin and click “deactivate”.
- After the plugin is deactivated click “delete”.
- Confirm that you want to delete the plugin.
In case you are having any issues with plugin or want to request any modifications please email me here.
It’s important to know that if you install the plugin there is a link to my site at the bottom. You are free to remove it if you like but I’d prefer you don’t
Either way it’s your choice, I hope you enjoy the plugin.