What is Bitcoin Mining

You may ask yourself “where do Bitcoins come from ?” Bitcoins aren’t printed out like traditional money, they are mined out of the system. A miner is just a person with a computer that runs a mining program on it. There are 2 main reason why this is called Bitcoin “mining”.

What are Altcoins ?

Bitcoin emerged as the first and most successful “peer-to-peer” digital currency. Yet while Bitcoin paved the way, it’s not traveling the road alone. After the success of Bitcoin, numerous other digital, peer-to-peer currencies have emerged to attempt to emulate Bitcoin’s success.

What is a Bitcoin Wallet

Let’s talk about Bitcoins Wallets. To make it simple we’ll compare it to email. If you want to receive Bitcoins you’ll need a unique personal address, just like an email. Let’s call this address your Bitcoin address, and just like your email address anyone can see it and anyone can send Bitcoins to it.

What is Feathercoin

Compared to the other altcoins, Feathercoin is among the closest kin to Bitcoin. For example, it is mined in much the same way as Bitcoin, and the system is set up to function very in many of the same ways as Bitcoin. Feathercoin also has a hard supply limit, and relies on P2P community monitoring to ensure stability.

What is Bitcoin

It seems almost impossible to explain ״What is Bitcoin” to someone who is new to it. After going through every possible tutorial I decided that the main reason people don’t understand what Bitcoin is, is due to the fact that the explanation is usually too technical. So I decided to create my own “What is Bitcoin for Dummies” video

What is Peercoin

Peercoin, which is short for “Peer-to-Peer” Coin, is pretty much what it sounds like. Peercoin was created by software developer Sunny King, and was the first currency to use a combination of proof-of-work/proof-of-stake system (more on that later). Peercoin is now believed to be the 5th largest cryptocurrency.

What is Namecoin

NameCoin might just be the most perplexing Bitcoin derivative. On one hand it’s a cryptocurrency that functions much like Bitcoin. Computers are used to solve algorithms, NameCoins are created, and the miner finds themselves in possession of some shiny new NameCoins.

What is Dogecoin

On January 13th, more transactions were conducted in Dogecoin than all other virtual-currencies combined. That’s right, Dogecoin transactions actually outpaced Bitcoin itself. Message boards and forums have been boiling over with excitement over the currency, even though it originally started out as a joke.

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