
What is DarkCoin | How to Buy DarkCoin

By Alexander Reed

Last Updated: Jan 2, 2018

Recently a new Altcoin has emerged called Darkcoin. The idea behind dark coin is this -It’s like Bitcoin only totally anonymous. But wait, isn’t Bitocin anonymous as well ?

Well…not really. Bitcoin is what you’d call pseudonymous, meaning your public address isn’t linked to your personal information, but once you trade at an exchange or a bank the link can be made easily. And since the Blockchain is public for everyone to see this becomes a problem to some people.

So what is Darkcoin ?

Darkcoin is like a digital version of cash – you choose whether your transactions are private or public. Just like Bitcoins, Darkcoins are stored inside a digital wallet. But Darkcoin wallets allow you to stay private even when trading at exchanges or other 3rd parties.

“Darksend”, which is the payment system Darkcoin uses allows anyone to make transaction anonymously. This is achieved through mixing different transactions together so no one will be able to track who sent the original coins.

On the technical side there are only 22 million Darkcoins that can be mined (just like Bitcoin) and generating a block takes 2.5 minues (25% than what it take to generate a Bitcoin block).

Where can you buy Darkcoins ?

Darkcoins can be find on different exchanges that deal with Altcoins. The biggest Altcoin exchanges today are Cryptsy and MintPal. Inside Cryptsy you’ll be able to find a DRK/BTC exchange which will let you exchange Bitcoins for Darkcoins. MintPal also supplies a similar exchange. If you haven’t purchased any Bitcoins yet you can do so using our buying guides. There is no direct USD to DRK exchange at the moment.

buying Darkcoin with Bitcoins

In order to store you Darkcoins you will need Darkcoin wallet which you can download here. Darkcoin was created on March 2014 and since then has managed to gain considerable traction amount the crypto-currency community.

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Alexander Reed
Alexander Reed

Having delved into futures trading in the past, my intrigue in financial, economic, and political affairs eventually led me to a striking realization: the current debt-based fiat system is fundamentally flawed. This revelation prompted me to explore alternative avenues, including... Read More

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