What is Bitcoin Mining

You may ask yourself “where do Bitcoins come from ?” Bitcoins aren’t printed out like traditional money, they are mined out of the system. A miner is just a person with a computer that runs a mining program on it. There are 2 main reason why this is called Bitcoin “mining”.

What are Altcoins ?

Bitcoin emerged as the first and most successful “peer-to-peer” digital currency. Yet while Bitcoin paved the way, it’s not traveling the road alone. After the success of Bitcoin, numerous other digital, peer-to-peer currencies have emerged to attempt to emulate Bitcoin’s success.

What is a Bitcoin Wallet

Let’s talk about Bitcoins Wallets. To make it simple we’ll compare it to email. If you want to receive Bitcoins you’ll need a unique personal address, just like an email. Let’s call this address your Bitcoin address, and just like your email address anyone can see it and anyone can send Bitcoins to it.

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