Continuing it’s dedication to ASIC-resistance and GPU friendly mining, Vertcoin (VTC) has successfully forked to change it’s algorithm to Lyr2RE. Lyra2RE replaces Scrypt-N, resulting in an increase in mining efficiency and keeps the coin ahead of ASIC mining. The change of algorithm was announced in July of 2014 and successfully carried out by developers new to the coin under the guidance of the original development team. From the blog at
…Lyra2RE ushers in the next ASIC resistant era for Vertcoin and offers a new low power mining option for GPU miners. In fact, Lyra2RE consumes ~30% less power when compared to scrypt-n and ~17% less than X11 (tested on nVidia 750Ti, but other power consumption ratios are very similar). That is a HUGE incentive to mine Vertcoin and was a direct response to calls from our community to make Vertcoin more power efficient.
Please see or the new thread at for more information.